To the Last Man 最后一个人
At the end of a dry, uphill ride over barren country Jean Isbel unpackedto camp at the edge of the cedars where a little rocky canyon green withwillow and cottonwood, promised water and grass.
His animals were tired, especially the pack mule that had carried aheavy load; and with slow heave of relief they knelt and rolled in thedust. Jean experienced something of relief himself as he threw off hischaps.
At the end of a dry, uphill ride over barren country Jean Isbel unpackedto camp at the edge of the cedars where a little rocky canyon green withwillow and cottonwood, promised water and grass.
His animals were tired, especially the pack mule that had carried aheavy load; and with slow heave of relief they knelt and rolled in thedust. Jean experienced something of relief himself as he threw off hischaps.