原版英文小说 Adventures in the Land of Canaan
This book comes out of our heart. It is intended to go to the hearts ofothers. Some of the things written here were learned by long and bitterexperiences. Our "Adventures" were very real, and it is our hope thatsome of them our readers will never have. The real battles are foughtwithin, and the struggle for mastery goes on in the soul, hidden in themysterious depths of the spirit.
This book comes out of our heart. It is intended to go to the hearts ofothers. Some of the things written here were learned by long and bitterexperiences. Our "Adventures" were very real, and it is our hope thatsome of them our readers will never have. The real battles are foughtwithin, and the struggle for mastery goes on in the soul, hidden in themysterious depths of the spirit.