原版英文小说Adventures in New Guinea
Public attention has been repeatedly and prominently directed to NewGuinea during the last few months. The name often appears in ournewspapers and missionary reports, and bids fair to take a somewhatprominent place in our blue-books. Yet very few general readers possessaccurate information about the island itself, about the work of Englishmissionaries there, or about the part New Guinea seems destined to playin Australian politics.
Public attention has been repeatedly and prominently directed to NewGuinea during the last few months. The name often appears in ournewspapers and missionary reports, and bids fair to take a somewhatprominent place in our blue-books. Yet very few general readers possessaccurate information about the island itself, about the work of Englishmissionaries there, or about the part New Guinea seems destined to playin Australian politics.