原版英文小说 Allan Ramsay
\'Ye\'d better let me gang doon wi\' the wig, Miss Kirsty,\' said Peggy, the\'serving-lass\' in the household of Mr. James Ross, writer, of theCastlehill.
\'Oh no! I\'d as leif take it doon mysel\' to Allan Ramsay\'s, for the sakeo\' the walk and the bit crack wi\' the canty callant,\' replied the younglady, a blush crimsoning her fair, rounded cheek.
\'Ye\'d better let me gang doon wi\' the wig, Miss Kirsty,\' said Peggy, the\'serving-lass\' in the household of Mr. James Ross, writer, of theCastlehill.
\'Oh no! I\'d as leif take it doon mysel\' to Allan Ramsay\'s, for the sakeo\' the walk and the bit crack wi\' the canty callant,\' replied the younglady, a blush crimsoning her fair, rounded cheek.