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21£®Teenagers should keep in mind that there’s something more important than_________
fashion for them seek after in _________ life.
A£®²»Ìthe B£®²»Ì²»Ìî C£®the£»²»Ìî D£®the£»the
22£®Premier Wen’s report£¬__________ to several hot topics, discussed how to increase peasants’ income£®
A£®refers B£®referring C£®having referred D£®referred
µÚÒ»½Ú µ¥ÏîÌî¿Õ£¨¹²15СÌ⣻ÿСÌâ1·Ö£¬Âú·Ö15·Ö£©
21£®Teenagers should keep in mind that there’s something more important than_________
fashion for them seek after in _________ life.
A£®²»Ìthe B£®²»Ì²»Ìî C£®the£»²»Ìî D£®the£»the
22£®Premier Wen’s report£¬__________ to several hot topics, discussed how to increase peasants’ income£®
A£®refers B£®referring C£®having referred D£®referred