¡¾Ô¾ä³ÊÏÖ¡¿In the early twentieth century, Australia resembled the USA of the eighteenth century: it was a "new world" society.(Page 22)
¡¾µã²¦¡¿resembleÔÚ¾äÖÐ×÷¶¯´Ê,ÒâΪ"ÀàËÆ,Ïñ"¡£Ò»°ã²»ÓÃÓÚ±»¶¯Óï̬ºÍ½øÐÐʱ̬¡£ÓÉresemble¹¹³ÉµÄ³£ÓôîÅäΪ:resemble sb. / sth. (in sth.),ÒâΪ"Óë……ÔÚ……·½ÃæÏàËÆ"¡£Èç:
Johnson strongly resembles his father in appearance and nature.
¡¾Ô¾ä³ÊÏÖ¡¿In the early twentieth century, Australia resembled the USA of the eighteenth century: it was a "new world" society.(Page 22)
¡¾µã²¦¡¿resembleÔÚ¾äÖÐ×÷¶¯´Ê,ÒâΪ"ÀàËÆ,Ïñ"¡£Ò»°ã²»ÓÃÓÚ±»¶¯Óï̬ºÍ½øÐÐʱ̬¡£ÓÉresemble¹¹³ÉµÄ³£ÓôîÅäΪ:resemble sb. / sth. (in sth.),ÒâΪ"Óë……ÔÚ……·½ÃæÏàËÆ"¡£Èç:
Johnson strongly resembles his father in appearance and nature.