µÚ¶þ²¿·Ö Ó¢Óï֪ʶÔËÓÃ(¹²Á½½Ú£¬Âú·Ö45·Ö)
µÚÒ»½Ú µ¥ÏîÌî¿Õ(¹²15СÌ⣻ÿСÌâ1·Ö£¬Âú·Ö15·Ö)
21. On Water-Splashing Festival people splash water on others just for ___ fun. You can’t imagine what ____ fun it is.
A. /, a B. the, a C. /, the D. /, /
22. We won’t have students _______ in class in China.
µÚÒ»½Ú µ¥ÏîÌî¿Õ(¹²15СÌ⣻ÿСÌâ1·Ö£¬Âú·Ö15·Ö)
21. On Water-Splashing Festival people splash water on others just for ___ fun. You can’t imagine what ____ fun it is.
A. /, a B. the, a C. /, the D. /, /
22. We won’t have students _______ in class in China.