In "Eurasia" the author describes an ideal republic where many of the
problems that confront us are worked out. The book describes in an
interesting and readable way how government is administered in this ideal
republic. The government is one in which women take their full share of
responsibility, the school children are trained in the problems they will
meet in life, and more emphasis is laid on character building than on the
dead languages. The children of both sexes are taught useful trades. All
school children are taught to swim. The idle are employed in the
construction of roads, canals and irrigation works. The problems of
distribution are so arranged that the worker receives a more equitable
reward for his labor.
The author, Chris. Evans, speaks with a firsthand knowledge when he
discusses the army prison management and the administration of law. Mr.
Evans, who was born in Vermont, is an old cavalryman, having served in
the Civil War. After the war he served with the cavalry in the West,
fighting Indians.
In "Eurasia" the author describes an ideal republic where many of the
problems that confront us are worked out. The book describes in an
interesting and readable way how government is administered in this ideal
republic. The government is one in which women take their full share of
responsibility, the school children are trained in the problems they will
meet in life, and more emphasis is laid on character building than on the
dead languages. The children of both sexes are taught useful trades. All
school children are taught to swim. The idle are employed in the
construction of roads, canals and irrigation works. The problems of
distribution are so arranged that the worker receives a more equitable
reward for his labor.
The author, Chris. Evans, speaks with a firsthand knowledge when he
discusses the army prison management and the administration of law. Mr.
Evans, who was born in Vermont, is an old cavalryman, having served in
the Civil War. After the war he served with the cavalry in the West,
fighting Indians.