作者特德·蒋,当代美国科幻界少有的优秀华裔作家。1967年出生于美国纽约州杰斐逊港,1989年毕业于布朗大学,获得计算机科学学士学位,现为一名自 由职业者,为计算机程序撰写文档。少年时代起,特德就开始接触科幻小说,并尝试创作,向杂志投稿。从“号角”科幻写作班毕业后,特德·蒋因处女作《巴比伦 塔》一炮而红,荣获1990年星云奖最佳短篇小说奖。特德·蒋的产量不高,到目前为止发表的作品只有八篇,但它们都保持他特有的高水准,其中大部分入围或 获得 “雨果”、“星云”等科幻大奖。、
Story of Your Life
Ted Chiang has only published three SF stories prior to this one and his first, “Tower
of Babylon”(1990), won the Nebula Award; another (“Understand”) won the Asimov\'s
Readers Award in 1991, and he won the John W.Campbell Award for Best New Writer in 1992.
He is a careful `````e, and we hold hands
as we walk inside to make love, to make you.