Stephen King: The Dead Zone
ELECTRONIC VERSION 1.1 (Mar 27 00). If you find and correct errors in the
text, please update the version number by 0.1 and redistribute.
By the time he graduated from college, John Smith had forgotten all about the bad fall he
took on the ice that January day in 1953. In fact, he would have been hard put to
remember it by the time he graduated from grammar school. And his mother and father
never knew about it at all.
They were skating on a cleared patch of Runaround Pond in Durham. The bigger boys
were playing hockey with old taped sticks and using a couple of potato baskets for goals.
The little kids were just farting around the way little kids have done since time
immemorial - their ankles bowing comically in and out, their breath puffing in the frosty
twenty-degree air. At one corner of````

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史蒂芬·金:死亡地带(The Dead Zone)英语小说是由网上搜集,若侵犯了你的版权利益,敬请来信通知我们!