£ÛÎó£Ý The brave man safed the boy from drowning.?
£ÛÕý£Ý The brave man saved the boy from drowning.?
£ÛÎö£Ý safeÊÇÐÎÈÝ´Ê£¬È磺 They wished him a safe journey. safelyÊǸ±´Ê£¬È磺 The young man drives his car safely. ¶øsafetyÊÇÃû´Ê£¬È磺 safety island(°²È«µº)£¬Safety first!(°²È«µÚÒ»!)µ«saveÊǶ¯´Ê¡£
£ÛÎó£Ý The brave man safed the boy from drowning.?
£ÛÕý£Ý The brave man saved the boy from drowning.?
£ÛÎö£Ý safeÊÇÐÎÈÝ´Ê£¬È磺 They wished him a safe journey. safelyÊǸ±´Ê£¬È磺 The young man drives his car safely. ¶øsafetyÊÇÃû´Ê£¬È磺 safety island(°²È«µº)£¬Safety first!(°²È«µÚÒ»!)µ«saveÊǶ¯´Ê¡£