This week, we mark the eleventh anniversary of the September 11th attacks. It’s a time toremember the nearly 3,000 innocent men, women and children we lost, and the families they leftbehind. It’s a chance to honor the courage of the first responders who risked their lives - on thatday, and every day since. And it’s an opportunity to give thanks for our men and women inuniform who have served and sacrificed, sometimes far from home, to keep our country safe.
This week, we mark the eleventh anniversary of the September 11th attacks. It’s a time toremember the nearly 3,000 innocent men, women and children we lost, and the families they leftbehind. It’s a chance to honor the courage of the first responders who risked their lives - on thatday, and every day since. And it’s an opportunity to give thanks for our men and women inuniform who have served and sacrificed, sometimes far from home, to keep our country safe.