1 the books of account 2 export performance 3 price including commission 4 the competitive edge in the international market 5 application-oriented high-tech group 6 capital reserves 7 increasing cost industry 8 earned value analysis 9 export-led economic recovery 10 documents against payment 11 最低生活津贴 12 平等互利,互通有无的原则 13 中外合作企业 14 调动农民的积极性 15 让每个员工人尽其才 16 拖欠的订单 17 重合同,守信用 18 巧夺天工的玉石雕刻 19 有缺陷的产品 20 不可抗力
1 the books of account 2 export performance 3 price including commission 4 the competitive edge in the international market 5 application-oriented high-tech group 6 capital reserves 7 increasing cost industry 8 earned value analysis 9 export-led economic recovery 10 documents against payment 11 最低生活津贴 12 平等互利,互通有无的原则 13 中外合作企业 14 调动农民的积极性 15 让每个员工人尽其才 16 拖欠的订单 17 重合同,守信用 18 巧夺天工的玉石雕刻 19 有缺陷的产品 20 不可抗力