The patient-physician interaction proceeds through many phases of clinical reasoning and decision making. 医患沟通在临床诊断和治疗决策的许多时期进行着。The interaction begins with an elucidation of complaints or concerns, followed by inquiries or evaluation to address these concerns in increasingly precise ways.这种沟通开始于病人主诉或所关注问题的述说,然后通过交流、评估不断精确地确定这些问题。
The patient-physician interaction proceeds through many phases of clinical reasoning and decision making. 医患沟通在临床诊断和治疗决策的许多时期进行着。The interaction begins with an elucidation of complaints or concerns, followed by inquiries or evaluation to address these concerns in increasingly precise ways.这种沟通开始于病人主诉或所关注问题的述说,然后通过交流、评估不断精确地确定这些问题。