1.It’s surprising that he has no ________(渴望)for wealth.
2.Her pale face ________(使惊觉)her mother.
3.Should we have ________(同情)for beggars?
4.I must ask you to ________(陪同)me to the police station.
5.Rules are rules and they must be ________(遵守).
6.The entire ________(全体员工)in our company has done an outstanding job this year.
7.It seems quite ________(荒谬的)to expect anyone to drive for three hours just for a ten?minute meeting.
8.He kept promising her that he would ________(离婚)his wife, but he never actually did it.
9.There are several people with a lower rank than me in our factory—that is, they are ________(资历较浅的)to me.
10.To their disappointment, their father never showed them much ________(感情).