Georgian Poetry 1913-15
[The scene is a bedchamber in a one-storied house. The walls consist of a few courses of huge irregular
boulders roughly squared and fitted together; a thatched roof rises steeply from the back wall. In the centre of
the back wall is a doorway opening on a garden and covered by two leather curtains; the chamber is partially
hung with similar hangings stitched with bright wools. There is a small window on each side of this door.
[The scene is a bedchamber in a one-storied house. The walls consist of a few courses of huge irregular
boulders roughly squared and fitted together; a thatched roof rises steeply from the back wall. In the centre of
the back wall is a doorway opening on a garden and covered by two leather curtains; the chamber is partially
hung with similar hangings stitched with bright wools. There is a small window on each side of this door.