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A farmer who lived in a small village suffered from a severe pain in the chest. This never seemed to get any better. The farmer eventually decided that he would consult a doctor in the nearest town. But as he was a miserly person he thought he would find out what he would have to pay this doctor. He was told that a patient had to pay three pounds for the first visit and one pound for the second\' visit. The farmer thought about this for a long time, and then he decided to go and consult the doctor in the town.
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A farmer who lived in a small village suffered from a severe pain in the chest. This never seemed to get any better. The farmer eventually decided that he would consult a doctor in the nearest town. But as he was a miserly person he thought he would find out what he would have to pay this doctor. He was told that a patient had to pay three pounds for the first visit and one pound for the second\' visit. The farmer thought about this for a long time, and then he decided to go and consult the doctor in the town.