Chapter 1
Hot—it sure was stacking up to be a hot one today.
He’d better check on the spring in the brakes before the sun really
boiled up the country ahead. That was the only water in this whole frying
pan of baking rock—or was it?
Travis Fox hitched forward in his saddle. He studied the pinkish yellow
of the desert strip between him and that distant line of green juniper
against the buff of sagebrush which marked the cuts of the brakes.
Hot—it sure was stacking up to be a hot one today.
He’d better check on the spring in the brakes before the sun really
boiled up the country ahead. That was the only water in this whole frying
pan of baking rock—or was it?
Travis Fox hitched forward in his saddle. He studied the pinkish yellow
of the desert strip between him and that distant line of green juniper
against the buff of sagebrush which marked the cuts of the brakes.