Life of Robert Browning 罗伯特·布朗宁传Note.
In all important respects I leave this volume to speak for itself. Forobvious reasons it does not pretend to be more than a `Memoire pourservir\': in the nature of things, the definitive biography cannot appear formany years to come. None the less gratefully may I take the presentopportunity to express my indebtedness to Mr. R. Barrett Browning, and toother relatives and intimate friends of Robert Browning, who have givenme serviceable information, and otherwise rendered kindly aid.
In all important respects I leave this volume to speak for itself. Forobvious reasons it does not pretend to be more than a `Memoire pourservir\': in the nature of things, the definitive biography cannot appear formany years to come. None the less gratefully may I take the presentopportunity to express my indebtedness to Mr. R. Barrett Browning, and toother relatives and intimate friends of Robert Browning, who have givenme serviceable information, and otherwise rendered kindly aid.