The Chronicles of Clovis 克洛维编年史
IntroductionThere are good things which we want to share with the world and goodthings which we want to keep to ourselves. The secret of our favouriterestaurant, to take a case, is guarded jealously from all but a few intimates;the secret, to take a contrary case, of our infallible remedy for seasicknessis thrust upon every traveller we meet, even if he be no morethan a casual acquaintance about to cross the Serpentine.
IntroductionThere are good things which we want to share with the world and goodthings which we want to keep to ourselves. The secret of our favouriterestaurant, to take a case, is guarded jealously from all but a few intimates;the secret, to take a contrary case, of our infallible remedy for seasicknessis thrust upon every traveller we meet, even if he be no morethan a casual acquaintance about to cross the Serpentine.