A Gent from Bear Creek 克里克的绅士
STRIPED SHIRTS AND BUSTED HEARTSIf Joel Braxton hadn\'t drawed a knife whilst I was beating his head agena spruce log, I reckon I wouldn\'t of had that quarrel with Glory McGraw,and things might of turned out different to what they did. Pap\'s alwayssaid the Braxtons was no-account folks, and I allow he\'s right. First thingI knowed Jim Garfield hollered: "Look out, Breck, the yaller hound\'s gota knife!" Then I felt a kind of sting and looked down and seen Joel hadcut a big gash in my buckskin shirt and scratched my hide trying to getat my innards.
STRIPED SHIRTS AND BUSTED HEARTSIf Joel Braxton hadn\'t drawed a knife whilst I was beating his head agena spruce log, I reckon I wouldn\'t of had that quarrel with Glory McGraw,and things might of turned out different to what they did. Pap\'s alwayssaid the Braxtons was no-account folks, and I allow he\'s right. First thingI knowed Jim Garfield hollered: "Look out, Breck, the yaller hound\'s gota knife!" Then I felt a kind of sting and looked down and seen Joel hadcut a big gash in my buckskin shirt and scratched my hide trying to getat my innards.