- 2009-10-13 The Odyssey of Homer
- 2009-10-13 Odes and Carmen Saeculare
- 2009-10-13 The Poems and Fragments of Catullus
- 2009-10-13 Poems 1817
- 2009-10-13 The Affectionate Shepherd
- 2009-10-13 The Adventure of Two Dutch Dolls and a 'Golliwogg'
- 2009-10-13 An Elegy Wrote in a Country Church Yard and The Eton College
- 2009-10-13 Along the Shore
- 2009-10-13 All's Well That Ends Well
- 2009-10-13 Anti Slavery Poems I, vol 3, part 1
- 2009-10-13 The Angel of Thought and Other Poems
- 2009-10-13 The Ancient Banner
- 2009-10-13 Astrophel and Other Poems
- 2009-10-13 Ascension
- 2009-10-13 The Assemble of Goddes
- 2009-10-13 The Arte of English Poesie
- 2009-10-13 Bitter Sweet
- 2009-10-13 Birds and Poets
- 2009-10-13 Beowulf
- 2009-10-13 Bees in Amber