- 2009-04-02 Memoir_of_Fleeming_Jenkin(回忆弗莱明·杰肯)
- 2009-04-02 DANNY’S_OWN_STORY(丹尼自传)
- 2009-04-02 An_Old_Town_By_The_Sea(滨海古城)
- 2009-04-02 Jerry_of_the_Islands(岛上的杰瑞)
- 2009-04-02 a_house_to_let(转让的房子)
- 2009-04-02 马克洛岛上的故事
- 2009-04-02 说服者 the make-believe man
- 2009-04-02 狮子与独角兽 the lion and the unicorn
- 2009-04-02 miss civilization
- 2009-04-02 巴黎大屠杀 massacre at paris
- 2009-04-02 失踪的房子 the lost house
- 2009-04-02 《古中国宗教》 religions of ancient china
- 2009-04-02 丢失的脸 lost face
- 2009-04-02 Twenty-Three Tales《二十三个故事》
- 2009-04-02 The Kreutzer Sonata and Other Stories《克莱采奏鸣曲》
- 2009-04-02 The Iliad《伊利亚特》
- 2009-04-02 The Forged Coupon and Other Stories《伪造的证券》
- 2009-04-02 The Decameron《十日谈》
- 2009-04-02 The Death ofIvan Ilych《伊凡.伊里奇之死》