Answer with explanation:
Choice D is best. The phrasing a divorce that occurred when they were children correctlyuses the relative clause that occurred to modify a divorce and includes a pronoun and verb(they were) that refer unambiguously to their antecedent, men and women. Choice Aincorrectly introduces the when... phrase with occurring, thus illogically making divorce thegrammatical referent of when a child; furthermore, the singular child does not agree with theplural men and women. B replaces child with children but otherwise fails to correct A\'s errorsof structure and logic, and C corrects only the error created by occurring. Choice E includesan incorrect verb tense (has occurred) and wrongly replaces when with as. Also, each wasdoes not properly refer to men and women.
Answer with explanation:
Choice D is best. The phrasing a divorce that occurred when they were children correctlyuses the relative clause that occurred to modify a divorce and includes a pronoun and verb(they were) that refer unambiguously to their antecedent, men and women. Choice Aincorrectly introduces the when... phrase with occurring, thus illogically making divorce thegrammatical referent of when a child; furthermore, the singular child does not agree with theplural men and women. B replaces child with children but otherwise fails to correct A\'s errorsof structure and logic, and C corrects only the error created by occurring. Choice E includesan incorrect verb tense (has occurred) and wrongly replaces when with as. Also, each wasdoes not properly refer to men and women.