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µÚÒ»½Ú£ºµ¥ÏîÌî¿Õ£¨¹²20СÌâ ;ÿСÌâ0.5·Ö£¬Âú·Ö10·Ö£©
1£®-It seems that Westerners seldom give their friends financial help£®
-Maybe£®For them friendship is mostly matter of providing emotional support and spending time together£®
A£®£¯£»the B£®the£»a C£®£¯£»a D£®a; the
µÚÒ»½Ú£ºµ¥ÏîÌî¿Õ£¨¹²20СÌâ ;ÿСÌâ0.5·Ö£¬Âú·Ö10·Ö£©
1£®-It seems that Westerners seldom give their friends financial help£®
-Maybe£®For them friendship is mostly matter of providing emotional support and spending time together£®
A£®£¯£»the B£®the£»a C£®£¯£»a D£®a; the