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1. --Thank you for ___ fresh vegetables you gave me ! So delicious !
-- ____ pleasure.
A. ²»Ì²»Ìî B. the; ²»Ìî C.the ; a D.²»Ìî; a
2. Would it be ____for you to pick me up at four o’clock and take me to the airport?
A. free B. vacant C. handy D. conve
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1. --Thank you for ___ fresh vegetables you gave me ! So delicious !
-- ____ pleasure.
A. ²»Ì²»Ìî B. the; ²»Ìî C.the ; a D.²»Ìî; a
2. Would it be ____for you to pick me up at four o’clock and take me to the airport?
A. free B. vacant C. handy D. conve