If you are not interested in my usual ranting and raving, proceed directly to the next message box你若是不想聽我的廢話 ﹐請直接前往下一樓Foreword 前言Sometime ago an article entitled 中国式英语和英语的正确表达 appeared on the Internet. The same article also comes under other headings such as "Common Mistakes." Supposedly, this is a collection of the most frequently made mistakes made by Chinese.
If you are not interested in my usual ranting and raving, proceed directly to the next message box你若是不想聽我的廢話 ﹐請直接前往下一樓Foreword 前言Sometime ago an article entitled 中国式英语和英语的正确表达 appeared on the Internet. The same article also comes under other headings such as "Common Mistakes." Supposedly, this is a collection of the most frequently made mistakes made by Chinese.