Chapter 1
Philip Haldane and his sister lived in a little red-roofed house in a little
red-roofed town. They had a little garden and a little balcony, and a little
stable with a little pony in it—and a little cart for the pony to draw; a
little canary hung in a little cage in the little bow-window, and the neat
little servant kept everything as bright and clean as a little new pin.
Philip Haldane and his sister lived in a little red-roofed house in a little
red-roofed town. They had a little garden and a little balcony, and a little
stable with a little pony in it—and a little cart for the pony to draw; a
little canary hung in a little cage in the little bow-window, and the neat
little servant kept everything as bright and clean as a little new pin.