Chapter 1
THE RAINY SEASON was over; and forest and jungle were a riot of lush
green starred with myriad tropical blooms, alive with the gorgeous coloring
and raucous voices of countless birds, scolding, loving, hunting,
escaping; alive with chattering monkeys and buzzing insects which all
seemed to be busily engaged in doing things in circles and getting
nowhere, much after the fashion of their unhappy cousins who dwell in
unlovely jungles of brick and marble and cement.
THE RAINY SEASON was over; and forest and jungle were a riot of lush
green starred with myriad tropical blooms, alive with the gorgeous coloring
and raucous voices of countless birds, scolding, loving, hunting,
escaping; alive with chattering monkeys and buzzing insects which all
seemed to be busily engaged in doing things in circles and getting
nowhere, much after the fashion of their unhappy cousins who dwell in
unlovely jungles of brick and marble and cement.