A Certain Dr Thorndyke 桑戴克医师
Chapter 1
THE FUGITIVEThe tropic moon shone brightly on the village of Adaffia in the Bight ofBenin as a fishing-canoe steered warily through the relatively quiet surfof the dry season towards the steep beach. Out in the roadstead ananchored barque stood up sharply against the moonlit sky, the yellowspark of her riding light glimmering warmly, and a white shape dimlydiscernible in the approaching canoe hinted of a visitor from the sea.
Chapter 1
THE FUGITIVEThe tropic moon shone brightly on the village of Adaffia in the Bight ofBenin as a fishing-canoe steered warily through the relatively quiet surfof the dry season towards the steep beach. Out in the roadstead ananchored barque stood up sharply against the moonlit sky, the yellowspark of her riding light glimmering warmly, and a white shape dimlydiscernible in the approaching canoe hinted of a visitor from the sea.