Autobiography and Selected Essays自传和散文选
PREFACEThe purpose of the following selections is to present to students ofEnglish a few of Huxley\'s representative essays. Some of theseselections are complete; others are extracts. In the latter case, however,they are not extracts in the sense of being incomplete wholes, for eachselection given will be found to have, in Aristotle\'s phrase, "a beginning, amiddle, and an end."
PREFACEThe purpose of the following selections is to present to students ofEnglish a few of Huxley\'s representative essays. Some of theseselections are complete; others are extracts. In the latter case, however,they are not extracts in the sense of being incomplete wholes, for eachselection given will be found to have, in Aristotle\'s phrase, "a beginning, amiddle, and an end."