Starting with the premise that there\'s only one chance to make a good impression, How to Write a Business Plan covers all the issues involved in producing a business plan – from profiling competitors and forecasting market development, to the importance of providing clear and concise financial information. It also includes a full glossary, case histories and a detailed section on the related issue of how a company can best use internal business plans.

How to Write a Business Plan - Brian Finch 撰写商业计划已通过本站测试,测试结果请参看说明及截图。
How to Write a Business Plan - Brian Finch 撰写商业计划是由网上搜集,若侵犯了你的版权利益,敬请来信通知我们!
How to Write a Business Plan - Brian Finch 撰写商业计划是由网上搜集,若侵犯了你的版权利益,敬请来信通知我们!